What's the purpose of this blog?

This blog is dedicated to discussing many different topics, from race, ethnicity, moral values, hot current events and health (among other things) through Food.

Monday, February 16, 2009


So, I'm going to be visiting Atlanta from the 23rd to the 29th of march, 2009. I'm participating in an unpaid spring break program through my school, and I applied for placement in the ATL for a couple reasons:

1. good weather (60's-70's, pretty breezy and sunny.)
2. Interesting urban environemnt ( atlanta is a cosmopolitan city in the heart of the south, with a rich history and currently a boom town in terms of population, economic growth and architectural exploits.

3. the food.

Let's put it this way, southern style cooking, varieties of different experiences, and traditional restaurants that are part of the cultural fabric. much more fascinating than coney dogs in metro-detroit.

I will try and photo document my experience, eating at a different establishment every night. Looking forward to having people read this thing again, and also to getting fat from crazy amounts of greasy food, among other things ^_-


What you know about that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby you can have whatever you like....