What's the purpose of this blog?

This blog is dedicated to discussing many different topics, from race, ethnicity, moral values, hot current events and health (among other things) through Food.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Public Service Annnouncement: Taco Bell, Diarrhea and a Happy New Year!

Never, ever, ever eat Taco Bell 1/2 lb. burritos unless you like the process resulting in the following:

Those burritos might seem like a good value and they might even taste good, but you must always consider the consequences of eating taco bell for the first time in a while: liquid poo. heartburn, indigestion, and an unsettling food coma.
If you do enjoy 1/2 lb burritos, don't go to a 3rd world country, you might be the cause of a TB or malaria outbreak. just sayin'.

make sure to flush regardless, and have a happy new year!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hey Guys

sorry i haven't been able to post in a LONG time (i know you're so desperate), but life has been as busy as african killer ants eating an elephant.


They DO. well, maybe smaller things, like zebras and human beings. It's pretty intense because they're all full of enthuiasm and zeal in terms of finding a target and taking it down. I read in wikipedia that this feeding frenzy is a seasonal thing, and so it reminded me of...

black friday shoppers. it's hilarious how people are always late to things that matter (meetings, classes, DPMs and Large Groups, Church, birthdays, et. al.) but will be ridiculously early to wait outside and lose fingers to frostbite just for a moderate discount on things they don't even need.

I've been meaning to discuss wendy's dollar menu and potatoes since the beginning off the semester, but have not been able to photodocument in a while. I'll do that sometime during studying this week...so come back. please...PLEASE.

anyways, check out these little buggers while i eat potatoes. ill get back atcha.