What's the purpose of this blog?

This blog is dedicated to discussing many different topics, from race, ethnicity, moral values, hot current events and health (among other things) through Food.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Story Time: The Homicidal Ice Cream Man and some Magical Fried Chicken.

There are great things being done for humanity's sake when it comes to food: disaster relief, meals on wheels, farmer's markets and organic foods, can food drives, soup kitchens, etc.

and then there are things being done with food that totally boggle your mind, make you wanna commit hari hiri, slit your throat and shoot yourself in the head at the same time.
things like this.

Now, if you're as lazy as I am, let's summarize this:

Man wants to be an ice cream guy, decides to buy an ice cream truck. He gets it, decides he doesn't want to be an ice cream man, and is ticked off when they can't refund his 18,000 payment on the truck. He drove across the country and killed an emplyoee of the company.

Then, he agrees to plea guilty for a bucket of KFC.

ok, not KFC, but also Popeyes and a bunch of sides, as well. mashed potatoes, carrot pie, cole slaw. Lord have mercy!

the judge agreed to the request because it would save time and money, and besides, you've got to get something back in turn for being punished for a crime that you committed anyways. Not that anyone mentioned a lightened sentence to him, but he has a chance to be paroled.... in 30 years.

So, what's the morale of the story?

Jail food SUCKS. Fried Chicken is GOOD. And don't be an ice cream man unless you REALLY, REALLY wanna do it.

Side note: Colonel Saunders was buried in the iconic white suit and bowtie.

KFC is not just to Kill for, or plead guilty for, but it's also to die for.